Friday, February 25, 2005
Same Sex Marriage
Same sex marriageIm very proud of my best friend Robbie who is a marriage celebrant.She also conducts funerals and is a deaf interpreter.Next month in New Zealand,it will become legal to have a civil union,between 2 ppl of the same sex.This means that they will have legal rights and will be able to have the same legal protection as any of us.If one partner should become ill or unable to say what they want,the other can speak for them.The children of the union will be able to inherit.They will have the same tax rights as married ppl..Robbie will conduct the first ceremony at 5 minutes past midnight on the day it becomes a new law.The couple are 2 women that have been in love and living together for 15 years…they have 6 children between them…Im proud to be a New Zealander that comes from a forward thinking country.
posted by butterflies @ 12:27 PM
Site design by M. Collins, 2003
Good news, hope your friend b happy ^_^