Friday, September 02, 2005
Spring is here
The first official day of spring has come and the weather is gorgeous.The sun is shining and the days are warm..theres little lambs and calves in the paddocks around us.The daffodils and tulips are all over the place and Ive planted my vegies.We went to the bank yesterday and James had a funny turn..and we hadnt even checked our balance yet!! I took him to the doctor and he had an ECG and some blood work done.His heart is enlarged and he needs some meds and maybe a blood transfusion to give him some energy but hes way better today tho a bit tired.( I hope they dont give him some other *tired* persons blood!Hospice have just left.I cannot praise them highly enough.They are angels.They ring every day and really care about ME and James.Its wonderful to have their support and caring.I went to see a grief councelor and what I took away from that was to be true to feel and cry if I need to,to love and laugh as I want to.To always express myself and to not be pressured by anyone else.I have such a peace about things and have no fear.
Cori has really settled down again and is loving and caring.We support each other.She had a couple of bad days and when I asked her what was wrong,it was because she thought I may send her away!..Of course I assured her that would never happen,shes my daughter and I love her as my own.She has free will.We got a check from the cancer society today to cover her school uniform and that was great!Shes really looking forward to the school camp and is staying with a friend on the weekend.They go to the movies ans stare at boys!
James is asleep now as he usually does in the afternoons.I look at him and adore him.Hes still my lover and still has a twinkle in his eye;)
Im going to sit in the sun with some American coffee and throw the stick for Red Dog.
Have a nice weekend everyone..
posted by butterflies @ 3:08 PM
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"To thine onself be true"..Wm Shakespere.
Very true for those of us who belong to the oh so exclusive "Our loved ones are dying from cancer" Club. I hate it that you have a charter membership! I wish I could change that for you, Cori, & oh how I wish I could get James out of the "I have cancer" Club. If I could take away his fatigue, enlarged heart, & all the rest that goes along with NHL, I would in a heartbeat. I prayed & prayed for the power to heal Dave-it just wasn't God's plan. If love alone could heal-James would be healed simply by your love for him. I wish it were so.
You are such a strong lady...I honor you, I pray for you, & I love you. You are both doing all the "right" things. Take care of each other. I'm here, wish I was there.
I am so glad your Hospice is great. ours was too. Somehow the best, most special people seem to work in Hospice. People with such compassion, true caring, love of their fellow humans. You are all blessed to have these folks in your life.
I still see one of our Hospice nurses. There is a bond that cannot be broken between us. We went to war together. We know the road that Dave walked & that we all walked. I just love seeing her & getting a hug.
I'm so happy for Cori in the friends' she has found. So sad that she thought you would send her away. Her mother did such a number on her. Poor kid!! Lucky kid to have you as her REAL Mom!!
All my love, blessings, hugs, etc to you my sister-friend. Give James a big hug & kiss from me. You are both forever in my heart.
Blessed be...