I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Monday, August 22, 2005


That was the sound that James had been waiting for and it came on saturday morning when the mailman arrived..it signalled the arrival of his COFFEE!!!
He had been so disappointed in our*pussy coffee* so he sent out an urgent email to his family for some real colombian coffee or he would come back and haunt them!
His wonderful sister Diane got straight onto it and within a week James had great coffee brewing again.And she also sent me a gorgeous necklace and earrings and 2 tubes of body lotion and Burts Bees lipbalm..shes so kind and generous.James is a happy chappy now:) Hes in bliss and I must admit the coffee has a different taste and smell too.He has 2 5lb jars so that should last him for..oh about 2 weeks..Heh.
We spent the weekend in the garden,the weather was warm so that we just had teeshirts on and we cleaned out overgrown gardens and Rxy chainsawed down some big trees that were blocking the sun and light.Then there was a mission to dispose of it all and we made a huge fire in the paddock and burnt it all.James loved it! he spent all day with a huge stick poking the fire and adding more to it.The flames gave him joy and he had a big smile on his face all day.In OKC you arent allowed to light fires so he loved the freedom to throw whatever he wanted on on it.An old lounge suite,old blankets,tree limbs,wandering jew,potato vines,old rotten timber and even the odd car tyre.The fire burnt quickly.
On Friday James made the outside taps work again so I could water my pots and he also put up security lights on the driveways.Hes very useful:)..He is getting skinny and looks thinner but still has some strength left.Hes happy and we kiss a lot.
I have pots of tulips flowering and big planters of blue polyanthus and yellow pansies,warm blue grasses,daffidols,minature roses,alyssum...Im very stoked.
The kid has been away for the weekend with Emma which gave us a good break and Rxy took us to the Pizza Hut for dinner on sat night.We had a good time and laughed a lot.Rxy and James are very close and Im sure they both like the male company.They tell each other outrageous jokes and tell stories about me!
A social worker is coming to see us today to see if we are entitled to some kind of hand with finances.They are great the way they come to our place.
The sun is shining,its warm outside and James is walking around with loppers again!! I better go make sure he doesnt cut out anything important!!

posted by butterflies @ 9:18 AM


At 4:08 PM, Blogger butterflies said...

Hey thanks Snidge:)
He loves starbucks..anything strong!! I will email you our address.
We appreciate it SO much.

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm, it's my drug of choice!

Hope all is well in NZ land...Bev, the camilla's are beautiful! Post more pics.

Love to James and Cori, too.


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