I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Taking time out

We took some time out this weekend to just be together.It was good for us.
We had both been so tired and stressed from all the selling and packing and disposing of our stuff.We went to Charlies bar on saturday night and had a few laughs with some friends.It was good to get out and relax.
We only have 2 more weekends here now.Next weekend we hope to see our special friend D and we also have a family farewell party.The following weekend we have a party planned and organised by Danny tho he wont tell us anything about it!! AH Danny? I HATE surprises!! anyway,hes been kind enough to do it so I will appease him.
The Harley is meant to be sold this week.Im not sweating it anymore cos if she doesnt sell,I will just take her home with me..
Im looking forward to redecorating the cottage and making it my own.I have my colors picked out and am taking home a lovely patchwork quilt that I bought in Nth Carloina.A wee piece of Americana.
Today I will spend packing some more boxes and trying to empty out the last cupboards and shelves..Its bitter sweet.I want to go home but I cant stand moving!!

posted by butterflies @ 5:23 AM


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Oklahoma Girl said...

I hate moving also, so I can identify with that sentiment. I finally got finished this weekend. Glad you two took some time for yourselves. You needed to have some fun. I will definately be seeing you sometime Sat. Probably early afternoon. Send me an "e" with the new address & directions.
Looking forward to the visit.
Love ya...

At 10:34 AM, Blogger butterflies said...

Great! We look forward to seeing you...I will email our new addy,its just up the road from the old place but in a better hood;)

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, it's all happening so fast, seems like only yesterday you said you were moving, and now it's here.. I hope your heart is ok and all..


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