I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Slow Motion

Im not blogging with much regularity lately.Since Angie left Ive been exhausted and sick all day yesterday with some kind of stomach bug.I do feel better today tho.
At least we got some nice rain yesterday to water the poor dry garden and it looks fresh today.
Ive been so busy that I havent had time to think.James is tired but ok and we dont really go very far these days.We spend most of the time sitting out on the deck looking at the garden and talking and drinking coffee.Last night there was a wicked lightening storm..but no thunder.It was isolated to one huge cloud,quite far away but spectacular when it lit up.
I got my stupid glasses the other day but Im finding them so hard to get used to! Its fine when I look straight ahead but when I try to read I have to tilt my head on the right exact angle and its bloody annoying!! Im going to go back to my $2 shop glasses for reading and just wear these new ($700!!) ones for driving! Waste of money! Thank goodness Mum paid..lol.
The sun is beckoning me and its coffee time.

posted by butterflies @ 10:46 AM


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Gary said...

Sorry things are so hard for you.

I used to have bifocals but I threw them away. They were way more trouble than they were worth.

At 6:51 PM, Blogger Polar Bear said...

Keep enjoying those coffees out on the deck with James. Should be very pleasant, esp in the summer. But it has been pretty hot some days!!

At 9:09 PM, Blogger butterflies said...

Yep Gary..tomorrow Im taking the glasses back and telling them I want my money back and they can stick them up their....
Polar,Its really hot here! 32C a couple of days and really high humidity too.It does make me appreciate aircon in houses tho its not a NZ thing(dont tell James tho)..its WAY nicer in the evenings sitting outside with a glass of wine in the cool air:)

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! I enjoyed seeing you get justice on the glasses!
And heck yes! I'll make passes at ya in glasses!


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