I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The VERY big brown dog

Yesterday,I had to drive to the shops for a couple of things.
On my way home,right on our corner,was a cyclist upside down in the drain off the side of the road.I stopped the car and ran over to him..someone else also stopped and draped a blanket about his shoulders.He was lying face down,then slowly sat up..reluctantly stretching his legs to make sure they were ok.
I asked him what happened..he said a big brown dog had run out and he couldnt miss it and rode into the side of the dog,which wasnt hurt and ran off into the house it lived at..NOT our house,NOT our dog!! I had finally found the culprit dog that had almost caused our Reddog to be removed..and the woman cyclist from last week had even positively identified our dog!
After a wee while,the man stood up and realised he was ok enough to bike off home,after me warning him that this road is dangerous and theres not enough room for bikes.I got home and rang the Dog Control Officer and reported the incident.Then a while later,Heather from down the road came to tell me that the neighbours had already had a meeting about that VERY brown dog and decided he had to go as hes been annoying other farm dogs,eating dead calves,getting into ppls trash and running onto the road.
I always KNEW that it wasnt Redog and now I want an apology from the *man in power*
They were on the verge of taking her off us!!
At least now,the mystery of the BBD has been solved:)

posted by butterflies @ 9:47 AM


At 10:40 AM, Blogger Oklahoma Girl said...

YEAH!!! Vindication for Red Dog. I hope you do get an apology...& the ACO needs to get better at investigation. LOL
Glad no one has been seriously hurt by this dog. Things could have been so tragic.

Too cool that you watched the Wolf special. Aren't they just magnificant creatures. Now you know why I feel such a kinship. And, yep, I knew that there has never been a killing of a human by a wolf. Yet man is so afraid of these gentle, spiritual, loving, shy creatures. I have several cds that just howling wolves. ALso have some that are wolf howls with beautiful music. I will have to copy them & send to you.

Love ya sister-friend!!!

Blessed be....

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Oklahoma Girl said...

YEAH!!! Vindication for Red Dog. I hope you do get an apology...& the ACO needs to get better at investigation. LOL
Glad no one has been seriously hurt by this dog. Things could have been so tragic.

Too cool that you watched the Wolf special. Aren't they just magnificant creatures. Now you know why I feel such a kinship. And, yep, I knew that there has never been a killing of a human by a wolf. Yet man is so afraid of these gentle, spiritual, loving, shy creatures. I have several cds that just howling wolves. ALso have some that are wolf howls with beautiful music. I will have to copy them & send to you.

Love ya sister-friend!!!

Blessed be....

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Oklahoma Girl said...

PS Gotta love blogger. It published twice. ARAGGGGHHHHH!!!

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL!!! I knew that docile animal of yours wouldn't even leave the yard let alone chase a bike!

Beautiful flowers...

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Joe & Karen said...

Horray for Red Dog. You know, as a new dog owner, I believe even more that what happens isn't the dogs fault, but that of irresponsible owners. Just like little kids, dogs need nurturing and guidance to know what is acceptable. I am so glad no one was seriously hurt. Red dog sure does deserve an apology, and an extra treat!

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Glad the dog problem has been solved. I hope you get your apology. I feel sorry for the poor guy on the bike. When I was a kid I was chased by a dog while I was riding my bike. I was sure I was going to get biten but in those days I could pedal fast.Now the dog would have to have arthritis or it could run over me.

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Louisiana said...

Hooray that the bad dog has been caught and that your angel is back to not being accussed of anything again..

i hope that bad dog doesn't come back to their owners again..

glad this is done once and for good..i know how precious your baby is to you and how sweet he truly is.


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