I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Fisher and Paykel ROCKS

When I arrived back from the States,I made the mistake of buying a washing machine from the Warehouse..against my better judgment..Warehouse is like Walmart.
It was a piece of crap right from day one.It wouldnt spin out properly and tangled all the clothes.Every time it got unbalanced it went back to the rinse cycle which is not a good thing when your conserving water here in the country.
So I took it back.After much hassles I finally got my money back in cash.
I took it to Farmers and bought a beautiful Fisher and Paykel Pride washing machine.
They delivered it yesterday and I jumped and clapped for joy.Its gorgeous and washed the clothes in 15 mins from beginning to end and spun them so dry that they only took 30 mins to dry.James thought I was mad,being so ecstatic over a washer but its almost orgasmic:)
Fisher and Paykel has been around for years and are the absoulute BEST..they Rock!!!

posted by butterflies @ 10:16 AM


At 2:01 AM, Blogger Oklahoma Girl said...

Men!!! They just do not get the really important stuff in life--a washer that works properly!!! ~smiles~
Take care girlfriend!! I miss you!!

Love to all... with hugs!

At 5:38 PM, Blogger Polar Bear said...

Yes, F&P are pretty reliable. I think if I ever buy my own white ware, I'd go for an F&P.

I had a friend who recently looked at buying a fridge from the Warehouse (yes, they actually started selling fridges recently). A made from China one, apparently. But she ended up going for an F&P, paying a little more for it. But I'm sure it's a much better deal in terms of quality and reliability.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger butterflies said...

Thats funny..I did also buy a fridge at the warehouse! same brand as the washer.Its seems to be fine and its nice stainless steel.I dont think much can go wrong with a fridge tho maybe in a couple of mths I will be blogging that its fked too;)

At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol an orgasmic washing machine, I could say something, but I won't lol


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