I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Monday, July 18, 2005

If it werent for your gumboots..where would you be..

Its been raining here for a week now.Theres mud and slush everywhere.Its not cold tho.But you need rubber gumboots to get around outside..
I dont think the Americans are very impressed with our good ol kiwi weather.Theres not much to do except read a book or curl up by the fire...all things they are not used to and have never done before.I love the solitude and gentleness of this way of life.Ive been sick with shingles and now another UTI so Im in need of some peace.
Last night Emmie crashed her car on her way to see me..only 200 ft from our house!
It was raining and she lost control and slid into a deep drain and the car filled up with water real fast.But she didnt get hurt and thats all that matters...and luckily Ez wasnt in the car with her.We got a tow truck out and he hauled it from the depths..carrying mud and grass and water with it.It could have been a lot worse!
Coris been staying at a friends in town cos she thinks life is boring in the country.
I picked her up this afternoon and Im sure I can find some things to stop her being bored..theres plenty to do!
Jakes been sick with a virus for 2 weeks now and is still only working half days.Hes got black rings under his eyes and I worry about him.
Mums decided to build a house on my brothers farm after Xmas.Shes working out a floor plan.Its going to be a mission moving her and 50 yrs of stuff.But shes slowly clearing out things she no longer needs.
Rxy has finished my car for me and I will pick it up in the next few days..all it needs now is some paperwork and I will finally have my own car.Its blue:)I love it.
Im cooking dinner now...crumbed roast lamb chops,roast potatoes,kumaras,pumpkin and steamed cauli...with some choc biscuits for dessert
I love being home.

posted by butterflies @ 5:19 PM


At 1:44 AM, Blogger Oklahoma Girl said...

It all sounds like Heaven. To be able to curl up by a fire & just read. I did the reading part on Sat afternoon. "The Shepard of the Hills". I'll get you the author's name. It is the most moving & inspiring book I have read in a long while.
Hugs & love to all

At 2:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound happy and at peace, right there where you belong. Dinner sounds awesome. :)

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Polar Bear said...

Curl up with a book by the fire? It's what I do best!

(I don't have an open fire place though - so an electric heater that does the job!)


At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made me wish I had a fire to curl up by! covet covet!


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