I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The gorgeous doctor;)

On friday night....well,late Friday afternoon,we went to the hospital to see a doctor who had been arranged by my GP.
He is a pain management doctor for James.The thing is,hes the best in Hamilton but he no longer works in pain management anymore.So he agreed to see us anyway because of our circumstances...but he has no office! So he met us at the doors of accident and emergency and took us upstairs to where he was working...in the recovery room!!
Hes an anaesthesiologist and saw us between patients.Picture this...
We are sitting in the recovery room at the hospital in a screened off room,patients coming out of theatre looking at us strangely,all groggy.It was kind of surreal.I was glad to NOT be on the bed as I usually am and I really felt for all the patients after surgery....but Rob the doctor was wonderful..(he was also very handsome;)
He talked to us and gave James the prescriptions he needed,then hugged us and wished us luck.It was very touching and I will never forget him.There was no charge.
New Zealand is good.We can cope here.

posted by butterflies @ 7:34 PM


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Polar Bear said...

So glad James is in good hands.

New Zealand is GREAT!

At 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was wonderful, I think of James everytime I see a sunrise now, knowing he is sitting at the cottage with his coffee enjoying the gift of a new day. Hope I make it over there. Kelly and I are going to Kauai in September, Mother/daughter trip. Her idea that we go there together and spend a week together. I told her our next trip is to Hamilton. Love you, give Cori a huge kiss for me. Diane.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Oklahoma Girl said...

Hip Hip Hurray for Dr. Rob!!! So glad you have found someone to take care of pain management (that's almos an oxymoron---oh, well). Ain't socialized medicine great??!!!!??!! I'm so glad you are in NZ. Too bad the good ole US of A can't get on that bandwagon.
We need a revolution!!!
I love you both..take care,I miss you. Hugs!!!!
Blessed be...


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