I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


If you have "HEART" you have everything.
You dont need anything else.
It doesnt matter what body you carry around---healthy/sick/disabled.
Its doesnt matter if youre fat or thin or short or tall..
Or if youre blonde or dark.
Its not important how much money you have.
If you have **heart**..you are RICH.

People with heart have spirit.They are strong.They endure all things.
They have determination.

You ARE what is in your HEART. xxx

posted by butterflies @ 10:08 PM 3 comments

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day :)

Happy Mothers day to all the wonderful mothers out there...
and also to the great fathers that are raising children on their own and having to be both Mum and Dad..

This is my Mum on her 80th birthday in March..she is loved by so many ppl worldwide:)She is also the MOST generous person Ive ever met and believes that what you give out you will get back tenfold.
Good on ya Mum..youre still doing great and we all love you.xoxox

posted by butterflies @ 2:55 PM 6 comments

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