I listen to the gentle murmuring voice
Of our city, awake despite the hour
And I linger, unwilling to return
To the television world inside — droolingmonkey

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Wet Wet Wet

Here I am at home in Hamilton New Zealand.Its rained every day!!
Ive finally come on line to check my emails and blog thanks to my wonderful son
Jake who has managed to set my computer up:)...well he does work at Telecom so that helps.We are still at my Mums house but moving into the cottage tomorrow.
We had a HELL trip over tho it was better than some Ive had.
We left Oklahoma and arrived in Denver and had 30 mins to get to the next terminal.
We got to LA at 9.30pm and had to get to the international terminal in 20 mins!!
We were exhausted but thanks be to God...we got a flight to NZ on AIR NZ and we got
a whole row of seats to ourselves.James and Cori slept most of the 13 hr trip home and I wandered the plane talking to ppl and crew.The food was nice and the crew were great.If you ever have to fly go on AIR NZ!.
Mum and Jake and Ezzie met us at the airport even tho they said they werent coming
and it was a joy to see them again.My heart was home.My soul was intact.
We have spent the last few days buying stuff for our new house.Weve bought a lounge suite,bedroom suite,fridge,washing machine,TV,coffee maker etc etc...Im so tired I can hardly think straight.
Its been so good to see all my family again tho.Emmie has been kind,Ezzie is a wee angel and tells us he loves us all the time,Mums been cooking and this morning we went to hear my brother preach at his church.Its so good to be home...I DO miss all my American friends and have had so much love from them all..they kept me sane and Im so grateful to all of them.
Tomorrow we will enrol Cori in school.Shes loved having a lot of time with Jake and Emma and all my nephews and my friends.She loves the food!! She looks healthy and happy.Shes got a new life.Tonight shes at youth group.
I will email everyone individually when we get settled into the cottage.I love you all and thanks for the great support.:)

posted by butterflies @ 8:19 PM 3 comments

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Leaving..on a jet plane...

Wow...we are finally leaving.This will be my last post til I arrive in NZ..we leave LA on wed night and arrive in Auckland on friday!! 24 freaking hrs of flying.
We are staying in a motel for one more night then fly out tomorrow.
So Long America...its been a BLAST:)

posted by butterflies @ 6:45 AM 5 comments

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Her Son

We spent the day with James family yesterday.We went out to eat and all got a chance to say our goodbyes.
At the end of the day I was sitting alone with James Mum.I said to her *Im sorry that Im taking your son away*
sHE said *Oh no...you gave him back to me*:)
It was a nice day and I love her dearly.Shes been a great mother-in law.

posted by butterflies @ 4:46 AM 6 comments

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Applebees YEAH

I had a wonderful night tonight:)
We walked into Applebees and there was a sign and balloons.For US.
They gave us some presents...I cried...they gave us a Harley Clock and some Harley coasters.There were balloons ...its gorgeous.I have loved these ppl.Adored them.I have shared everything with them.I told them when James cancer was diagnosed,when he decided to not have treatment.I have talked to them and shared my problems with them.I have cried and I have laughed.These are my people...apart from the biker community,these are the friends that I eat with.They KNOW what I eat.They serve me and I love them.
Suz and Rick share a bottle of white ziffendale.Suz is friendly and funny and pretty.Rick loves her.She loves him.We eat together.
Elaine even came and Danny! Even the Captain was there.he has just bought his new chick some new tits...42DD.She was so happy cos she won the wet teeshirt competition last week at bike week...whatever..............
I want all my investor friends to buy into an Applebees franchise in NZ.Its a million bucks but its worth it.I adore the food...and the staff...I would import Tara and Aoron and Eric and Dustin.I love them.

posted by butterflies @ 2:30 PM 3 comments

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Chrysler 300c

My friend Elaine bought a new car this week. Its a 300 C Chrysler? anyway..its gorgeous.Its Black and totally retro.The dash is analouge..with real numbers.
The grill is gorgeous.The motor is a Hemi 8.It has power and its very clever.It can change to a 4 cylinder when it needs to.Ive never liked chyrslers before but its beautiful...and it goes like shit:)..Elaine just took me out for dinner in the new car and we were styling baby:)
Her and I have one more wednesday together.Then Im gone.
Its all life...here one day and gone the next.I will miss her.I love her too.Shes my American girlfriend,her and Joanne...both friends for life.

posted by butterflies @ 1:58 PM 4 comments

The Home I grew up in...

The home that my parents built because of their love for each other and for the need to have a place to raise their family has just been sold.They bought the house for $2000 51 years ago and my Mum has just sold it for $300.000.
Its sad for her.My Dad died in that house,all of us kids were raised in that home and thousands of visitors from all over the world have been welcomed there.Its a house of love.
The first year they built the house,my Dad planted the whole front lawn in potatoes.
We had great neighbours.The Sinclairs,the Moys,The Chens,the Batstones,the Shirleys,the Prebbles,the Powells.Us kids all played together.We painted a 4 square in the middle of the road.The boys dug a HUGE cave in the back yard.We ran free as kids...always at one anothers houses.It was a good life.We were safe.The boys taught me to ride my first bike(tho they omitted to show me how to stop).
My older brother got sick with meningitis and almost died.The friends and neighbours were there to bring dinner and comfort to us..and one even bought us our first TV.
My sister was run over on the corner and died later in hospital and we were blessed by the street people.They loved us through all things.And we loved them too.We took other kids on holidays with us to the beach house.My Dad fixed everyones cars and my Mum was the street nurse.We had a lot of fun and we had joy and freedom in our lives.
It took a lot of courage for Mum to sell the house but its in need of repair and Mum is 76 now and doesnt need to have so much yard work to do altho she will miss her garden a lot,she can make a new one.
Its a new life for her now too.She can get a new home...she will have exactly what she needs and wants.She deserves the best.BUT...we will have to move her out of the house!! and Oh Man...she has so much STUFF! My Dad always said she has 3 of everything..and there are outside sheds to empty and sort.My Dads tools...Mums preserves,old stuff us kids have left there.Its going to be a mission:) But we will all help.Once again,as when my father was dying,we will all be there.

posted by butterflies @ 6:41 AM 5 comments

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A Note from My Lover

This morning while you slept, I said a prayer for you. I prayed for your health, happiness, and continued spirit. I did this because you are the one thing in my life that reflects how much I can love someone. Thank you for entering my life, Honey.

posted by butterflies @ 2:55 PM 4 comments

Walking in OKC

Ive just come back from my twice weekly walk with my friend Joanne.
It was 92 degrees in Oklahoma today.Bloody hot and Im glad to be getting away from it.I finally gave in and turned on the AC even tho I hate it.I dont like cold air blowing on me and it makes me cough.
Anyway..we had a nice cool walk along the side of the lake.The wind was quite strong there and it was nice to see all the usuals out and about...ppl walking their dogs,couples strolling along,ppl parked on the grass verge chatting with each other.
Its a nice night.And its cooled down.
Its tornado season when it gets hot like this and the wind gets strong...My son managed to (almost)see on when he came over in June last time.There was one here in a neighbouring county last week.
Ive gotten a lot done today so I feel satisfied.A brisk walk always helps too.

posted by butterflies @ 2:00 PM 3 comments

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Taking time out

We took some time out this weekend to just be together.It was good for us.
We had both been so tired and stressed from all the selling and packing and disposing of our stuff.We went to Charlies bar on saturday night and had a few laughs with some friends.It was good to get out and relax.
We only have 2 more weekends here now.Next weekend we hope to see our special friend D and we also have a family farewell party.The following weekend we have a party planned and organised by Danny tho he wont tell us anything about it!! AH Danny? I HATE surprises!! anyway,hes been kind enough to do it so I will appease him.
The Harley is meant to be sold this week.Im not sweating it anymore cos if she doesnt sell,I will just take her home with me..
Im looking forward to redecorating the cottage and making it my own.I have my colors picked out and am taking home a lovely patchwork quilt that I bought in Nth Carloina.A wee piece of Americana.
Today I will spend packing some more boxes and trying to empty out the last cupboards and shelves..Its bitter sweet.I want to go home but I cant stand moving!!

posted by butterflies @ 5:23 AM 3 comments

Friday, May 06, 2005


I cant believe how exhausted and tired I am.Packing all my stuff,sorting out everything.We had a garage sale on the weekend and had hordes of ppl and got rid of most of our stuff.Ive had to get rid of half of my clothes cos I simply cant take everything with me.Ive begun to realise that material possessions are a hassle.You cant take them with you when you go.I dont want so much stuff anymore.Enough just to throw into a couple of big suitcases is plenty.
Im starting to have to say goodbye to ppl and thats hard too.Ive cried a few times.
I have got some lovely friends here.But I can hardly think straight.My nights are full of dreams...dreams of where Im going and also of where Ive been.Im tired and have no energy left..Hope I can find some to get me home!

posted by butterflies @ 9:32 AM 2 comments

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

SNOWING in spring

OH Lordy..its snowing in Amarillo Texas today!! 5 inches...its cold here too.
Its spring and now we have a frost warning...cover the plants the weatherman says.
Its cold and I have posted all my winter clothes to NZ in preparation for the NZ winter but its still cold here.
But we went and bought some nice sheets today to take to NZ,,380 thread count..egyptian sheets.Heh..Who would have known?..
I dont know why Im thinking of bed....

posted by butterflies @ 3:17 PM 4 comments

Monday, May 02, 2005


LOVE is the enduring legacy.Its what we are remebered by.It is whats left behind when we are no more.
No-one remembers someone who is full of hate.Rather we recall the ones who left their love with us.In our souls,in our minds and in our hearts.
OUr LOVE is what endures us to others.Its the attratcion we have.Its our legacy.
Never forget to show those that you love...your love for them.Its important.Its life.It endures.

posted by butterflies @ 2:08 PM 3 comments

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